Love Unlimited
A 14 Day Meditation on the Love of God

It is God Himself Who loves you

Day 14

Especially Loved by God

Opening prayer

“Great You are, O Lord, and greatly to be praised; great is Your power, and Your wisdom is infinite. You would we praise without ceasing. You call us to delight in Your praise, for You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts find no rest until we rest in You; to whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit all glory, praise, and honor be ascribed, both now and forevermore. Amen.” 

St. Augustine

Scripture Reading–John 16:26-27

In that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.

Praise Songs

Today’s Thought

insert message in this place


Julian of Norwich

Here place a message for the commemoration.  this would include a person’s biography and quotation or quotations. 

Today’s Exercise

Take a walk with God today. Leave behind your phone, your music, and your distractions.  Become aware of the miracle of each step you take. While you are walking, give thanks for the sights and sounds of everything along the way. When you see someone walking, pray for them. When you see a pretty sight, thank God for it.   Picture Jesus walking beside you, matching you step for step along the road. As you walk, ask Him   “Jesus, what do you want to talk about.” Listen silently for Jesus to answer the question.       When He does, give Him thanks for His answer.

Closing Worship Songs


Good and gracious God, do not let us think that we are just one of a crowd, but that we are especially loved by you. Make us aware that if we were the only person in the world, you would have still sacrificed Christ for us on our behalf. Let us know we are especially seen and never forgotten by you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16