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Christianity is based on a promise for the future. On this page you will find resources to help build a clearer vision of what God’s future may be for you.

How the future relates to the formation of our faith.
Featured Blog

The Case Against Strategic Thinking
Why leadership is overrated in the church, and it is OK just to follow Jesus.
The Value of hope
Everything in the world is done by hope.” Says Martin Luther.
Before we can grow into Christ’s image we need to have hope.
Find out why.
Web Resources
Spiritual formation--What it is and how it is done.
An article by Dallas Willard on the meaning of spiritual formation.
Video on the Critical Journey
Surprised by Hope--N T Wright
N. T. Wright is one of the most interesting and challenging contemporary commentators on the New Testament. in this book, Wright takes on the subject of heaven and the future hope of Christians. A wonderful read.
Hearing God--Dallas Willard
Willard has given one of the most useful books on finding guidance for the future. Willard’s books are always solid, but his treatment of the subject of guidance is especially useful for anyone seeking guidance from God. Amazon link here.
The Critical Journey--Janet Hagberg, Robert Guelich
Such a wonderful book! Hagberg and Guelich have developed a road map to understanding Spiritual growth that is understandable and applicable to almost everyone who seeks to make God central in their lives. It lays out the motivations for growth in the past while giving us hope for the future.
Books on discernment by Rev. Timothy Gallagher
Those of us who have not grown up in Catholic tradition probably have no idea who Ignatius Loyola was, let alone Timothy Gallagher. St Ignatius was the founder of the Jesuits and one of the most insightful and interesting writers on the Spiritual battle that confronts all believers. Timothy Gallagher is a Jesuit priest who has gone a long way in making Ignatius’ teachings understandable to the modern mind.
If you aren’t a Catholic, don’t despair. There’s very little in these books that would be different for any Christian in any denomination. The wisdom of Ignatius’ teachings on discernment is that it is equally applicable for any believer in Christ who want to find out what is and is not God’s will for their lives.
Gallagher has written a series of books on Ignatius teaching on God’s will then include.
Discernment of Spirits. An Ignatian guide for everyday living.
Discerning the Will of God: An Ignatian Guide for Decision Making.
Spiritual Consolation: An Ignatian Guide for Greater discernment of Spirits
Gallagher’s works also include works on the examen prayer, contemplative prayer, and Christian meditation.
These works offer a great deal of help for anyone trying to live a Christian life today.