We were created as reasoning creatures. It is one of the ways we are most like God. On this page there are resource to help us develop the knowledge of God’s Word and critical thinking skills that will help us grow into His image.
Knowledge Video
The video in the value of knowledge in the Faith matrix
Featured Blog
Hearing God with Two Sets of Ears
I feel I'm in a peculiar situation in life. First, I’m a conservative evangelical Reformed pastor. I appreciate that tradition, mainly its focus on the knowledge and study of God's Word in Scripture. But I’m also trained spiritual director with two years of...
Knowing is vital to growing into Christ’s image. Learn how to keep your mind alert.
Natasha, God and Me
What my dog teaches me about God.
Good Faith
Does your faith "work" in your life?
Evangelicals and the cult of personality
What is going wrong with the modern church, and how can we fix it?
The end (and beginning) of the Christian World
The state of the church today.
Web Resources
Basics of Christianity
A good link to read about the basic doctrines of the Christian faith from the Billy Graham organization.
Ratio Christi
Ratio Christi is a campus organization whose name means “Reason of Christ.” It’s stated purpose is to equip and encourage students and others to study use their intellect to strengthen and promote their faith on college campuses. Their website contains helpful blogs and articles on reason and faith.
Ligonier Ministries
Ligonier Ministries was started by the late Dr. R. C. Sproul to promote a reasonable faith in the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition. It is a treasure trove of useful material including teaching videos, blogs, podcasts, daily devotional sermons and conferences. It features popular preachers and teachers such as Sproul, Sinclair Fergusen, Derek Thomas, and Al Mohler. For those interested in a reasonable approach to faith, it deserves a close examination.
Christianity Explored
A brief course on the basics of the faith.
Going Farther
A helpful website for basic material for beginning Christians from Billy
Good News for Anxious Christians Phillip Carey
The charming and deceptively-titled book by Lutheran philosopher and historian Phil Care makes a strong case for the value of rationality in faith. Carey argues that God speaks from outside of us, not just inside our minds. God is not just another feeling, but a Person we can know and understand. A book well worth reading and re-reading.
Habits of the Mind: Intellectual life as a Christian Calling James Sire
Can the life of the mind and the life of faith go together? Sire answers with a resounding “Yes!” In this wonderful little book Sire argues for the rediscovery of intellectual vigor in the Christian life.
The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind Mark Noll
“The scandal of the Evangelical mind,” Noll says, “Is that there is not much of an evangelical mind.” He asserts that modern Christians, especially Evangelicals have opted for a lazy way of thinking. His book is a plea for an intellectually vigorous Christianity.