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“Be still and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:7.
These resources will help you discover stillness. Find out how to do nothing, and do it well!

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The Case Against Strategic Thinking
Why leadership is overrated in the church, and it is OK just to follow Jesus.
Submission and Witness
The balance of inner and outer action.
Breaking out of the "Evangelical Three-Srep"
Going beyond the ordinary in the Christian Journey
The Invisble Shepherd
Is it better to be a shepherd or a sheep? Read this blog and find out.
Web Resources
Contemplative Outreach
Contemplative outreach is a resource center for learning the value of silence and stillness before Christ. it’s purpose statement reads “We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer,”
Critical Journey Inventory
A downloadable PDF of an inventory to evaluate where you are on your Spiritual Journey, based on The Critical Journey Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich. One of the best expositions of the stages of faith available online.
The Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster’s book it a modern classic. In practical, down to earth language, Foster discusses the value of a well-ordered life of faith and the spiritual exercises that can help us achieve it.
Discovering our Spiritual Identity: Practices for God's Beloved by Trevor Hudson
What can we say about this wonderful book? Trevor Hudson sees the central issue for believers is to both know and feel that we are God’s beloved children. Our Spiritual identity does not come from what we think of ourselves but from what God thinks of us. Each chapter includes spiritual practices, called “holy experiments” to strengthen our acceptance of God’s love for us and our love for God. Hudson’s gentle, winsome style goes a long way to help us see ourselves as truly God’s beloved.