Faith Matrix Inventory

This inventory is a non-scientific tool to help you think about the areas of your faith where you most and least connect with God.  There are eight areas arranged in two four groups of two

Mark one box after each question, and add up the numbers next to the boxes. That is your score in each area. Then write your score in the boxes at the end.  You will have to print this out or download it into word format to write on it.


  1. Knowing and pursuing truth is vital to my spiritual life.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I do not take teachers and preachers at their word, but expect them to present evidence.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy debating, discussing and learning with others.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Reason is very important to me in sharing and defending my faith.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I usually solve problems through analytical and rational thinking.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy spending time reading, learning and studying.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Critical thinking strengthens my faith.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. It is important to know why something is true, not just that it is true.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Knowledge =________________________


  1. Feelings are important in my relationship with God.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have sometimes heard God directly, not just from the reading the Word.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I feel deeply for others, and often cry or celebrate with them.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I am an emotionally free person who readily expresses love or anger in public.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I don’t just pray in my mind, but I use my body in prayer through bowing, lifting hands, kneeling, dancing, crying, laughing, or other means.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I often make decisions by intuition–based on how I feel in my gut.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Music and art will sometimes move me to tears.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I feel that life with God will should be generally emotionally satisfying—a full, abundant life.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Passion =________________________


  1. I believe my purpose is to glorify God in this life by doing good works in His name.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Most of my prayers to God are for resources to do His work and guidance on what to do next.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I keep busy and stay involved. It does little good to stay still.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. When someone tells me about a problem, I get busy trying to fix it.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I bear witness to Christ often through service and speech.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Don’t bother me with explaining why something needs to be done–just tell me what to do!

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Nothing makes me happier than seeing I have accomplished great things for God.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I get bored easily when there is nothing to occupy my time.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Witness =________________________



  1. Following God and obeying without question is an important part of my spiritual growth

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have often heard God speak to me in a still, small inner voice.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. My purpose before God is to be His child, not just do things for Him.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I take my time seeking God’s will before I act.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have regular daily times of worship and devotion.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I keep regular spiritual disciplines such as worship attendance, giving,  Sabbath-keeping, and fasting.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy regular times of stillness and quiet before God.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I do not act on my own initiative, but wait for Him to show me what to do.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Submission =________________________



  1. Being with others is essential to my personal spiritual development.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. God usually speaks most to me in church, Bible study, or talking with others.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. My presence in the lives of others is my greatest witness for God.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. My goal in life is to be of service to my family, friends, and community.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have a group of people I see regularly who support me spiritually and emotionally, and with whom I can share anything.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I am usually found in the center of social activity

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I am a “people” person, and enjoy being with others.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy joining groups, supporting sports teams and churches, and feeling I belong to a larger social group.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Community =________________________



  1. Knowing myself is important to my spiritual growth.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. Understanding who I am before God defines who I am in the world.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy sharing my faith journey with others.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I don’t worry about how others see me—only how God and I see myself.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have a daily “quiet time” alone, to pursue my own spiritual and personal development.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I practice regular personal examinations, confession, and/or journaling to better understand myself.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy spending time alone, thinking and meditating.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I would rather be by myself than with others

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Self–Awareness =________________________



  1. Where I came from defines me as a spiritual person.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I try to stay connected with my spiritual roots, as an ongoing source of support.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I see myself as part of a long tradition of Godliness, and seek to preserve and extend it into future.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I want others to know about and follow the ways I learned from my forefathers.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I follow old paths and ancient traditions, which help me cope with the problems of today.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have been in the same faith tradition for years, and am proud of it.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I greatly enjoy following and understanding my roots.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I get more joy thinking about the past than the present or future.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Tradition =________________________

Future Hope

  1. Continual growth into greater faith and love is vital to my Spiritual experience.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I have a clear idea of what kind of person God wants me to be, and I am actively seeking to become that person.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I motivate others by encouragement to help them see their full potential.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I share my optimism about what God is doing in the future to those around me.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I regularly set plans for improvement—both long-term goals and measurable short-term goals.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I am open to trying new approaches and considering new ideas.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I enjoy going boldly where I have never gone before.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

  1. I get excited when I think about what God is doing in me, and in world.

◻1=Not true,   ◻2=Rarely,   ◻3=Sometimes,   ◻4=Most times,    ◻5=Always

Total score for Future Hope =________________________

Enter your totals below

Knowledge____          Passion____

Witness____               Submission____

Community____         Self-awareness____

Tradition____             Future Hope____

Follow the links to read about the areas with your highest and lowest scores.